Vaginal Injury from a Personal Watercraft

Vaginal Injury from a Personal Watercraft

Life in Texas is ideal for enjoying watercraft activities year-round. Unfortunately, this also means you are at higher risk for accidents if you are a watercraft enthusiast. When out enjoying the water, female accidents can be quite unexpected, including the vaginal injury jet skis can cause. Here we review the potential risks for female passengers…

Jet Ski Accident Lawyer

Jet Ski Accident Lawyer

The year-round warm weather in Texas makes water sports in the state very popular. As well activities such as boating, or riding personal watercraft (PWC) such as jet skis are also very common. This makes the traffic and activity in local waters quite congested. As a result, the risk for jet ski accidents can be…

Can You Sue If You're Hurt On An Elevator?

Can You Sue If You’re Hurt On An Elevator?

Elevator accidents are more common than you might think. Many elements of an elevator can make it possible for accidents to occur that can actually be quite serious. Although we ride elevators every day, they can cause injuries ranging from bruises and broken bones to death. If you experience an elevator accident, you do have…

Elevator Accident Lawyer

Elevator Accident Lawyer

Believe it or not elevator accidents occur every day. Although riding an elevator might be part of your daily routine, it is important to pay attention to what’s going on around you before you step on or off the elevator. Elevator accidents can be quite serious leading to life altering injuries or even death. When…

Personal Watercraft Injury Attorney

Personal Watercraft Injury Attorney

With so many water sports and watercraft to enjoy in Texas, you and your loved ones can be at higher risk for watercraft injuries. Whether you have a boat, a jet ski, love to water ski, or are an avid swimmer, being out on the water year-round, can be dangerous if you aren’t careful. However…

Elevator Injury Attorney

Elevator Injury Attorney

Many of us step onto elevators every day. Very little thought is given to elevator use, whether we use them to get to our homes, our work, or to visit the doctor. However, when an elevator trip causes an accident, your whole view of elevators can change in an instant. Although most elevators are perfectly…

Jetski and SeaDoo Injury Lawyer

Jet Ski and SeaDoo Injury Lawyer

Jet Skis and SeaDoos are two popular watercraft (PWCs) spotted on Texan waterways, lakes, and rivers. However, as their popularity grows, so too does the risk for accidents. Being out enjoying the water can be dangerous when you or those around you aren’t being safe. Whether you cause an accident or are injured due to…

Lawyer for Non-Subscriber Claims

Lawyer for Non-Subscriber Claims

In Texas, employers have the option to opt out of paying workers’ compensation coverage. These companies are called non-subscribers. Workers’ compensation covers costs associated with employee work-related injuries. If you have a work-related injury and your company is a non-subscriber that means you can’t file a claim through workers’ compensation. Your only option is to…